He is PEDRO MARTIN PAEZ. His parents are Aura María Borras (Abuelita and much more) and Pedro Martín Páez (engineer of the National University of Colombia). You must know that He is the grandson of the 'General Páez' too.
His words are all I have about them (with my Aunt -Chela- and the other brothers and progeny, whole are the most important part of my roots). Thanks for share it with me and allow come alive again to your memories and fly with me in your experiences, thanks for your lovely way.
I'm so happy, I can learn what is a Family... My Family - Páez-Borras-Beltrán-Cárdenas -
I love him. He strengthened my soul... sometimes He speaks an unknow language, I'm discovering a giant World and an amazing 'Us'.
The great Family will teach you to be a better human... for you and others. I'm so blessed and now is more clear the reason.